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yoga blog


20 Yoga-Themed Novels and Memoirs

20 Yoga-Themed Novels and Memoirs

Imagine this: You've just finished a blissful yoga session and your body is humming with that post-flow glow. What better way to continue riding that wave of serenity than with a book that promises to transport you to a place where yoga plays a pivotal role, not just as a backdrop but as a catalyst for growth, healing, and enlightenment? Yoga, with its deep roots in spiritual...

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Orgone and Orgonite

Orgone and Orgonite

Whilst a student on the Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program at Globe Institute of Recording and Production, my interest was piqued when one of the tutors mentioned that he used to have an Orgone Accumulator. Since I had never heard of such a device, nor indeed of Orgone, and since I respect the tutor as such a mine of fascinating and well-researched information, I...

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Golfer? Here’s How to Avoid Back Pain

Golfer? Here’s How to Avoid Back Pain

Approximately 60 million people around the world play golf, sometimes into their 80s and 90s. This is great news, because the sport has many health and wellbeing benefits. The problem, though, is despite its perception as a low-impact sport, golf can be very demanding. It requires strength, endurance, explosive power, flexibility and athletic ability to perform a movement that...

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