Health, Fitness + Wellness

health + fitness + wellness

To me, being fit and healthy means being able to enjoy a fun and active lifestyle without pain or other restrictions. But wellness goes above and beyond. It’s that state of body and mind that enables us to truly thrive – with a spring in our step, joy in our hearts and peace in our minds.

Orgone and Orgonite

Orgone and Orgonite

Whilst a student on the Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program at Globe Institute of Recording and Production, my interest was piqued when one of the tutors mentioned that he used to have an Orgone Accumulator. Since I had never heard of such...

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Garden Games for Summer Fun

Garden Games for Summer Fun

When the sun is shining and the days are longer, we all want to be outside. Outdoor activities rule at this time of year and garden games are a must for all ages. What’s more, you’ll be having so much fun that you won’t realise you’re keeping fit and...

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Fun Ways to Exercise

Fun Ways to Exercise

If you're someone who hates exercise, then I'm here to tell you that it doesn't need to be that way. If huffing, puffing and sweating your way through a spin class doesn't rock your boat and the gym just isn't your 'happy place' then read on. I've...

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The Benefits of Rebounding

The Benefits of Rebounding

Rebounding is fun, easy, and safe for almost anybody of any age. It’s quoted by NASA as “the most efficient and effective exercise yet devised by man”. The health benefits of rebounding are amazing… and you can even do it at home whilst watching TV!...

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