The Benefits of Lying on an Acupressure Mat & Why You Need One!

Nov 29, 2020 | Health, Fitness + Wellness

“What on earth is an acupressure mat?” I hear you ask. Well, it’s essentially like a little bed of nails. But wait – before you hit the back button, bear with me because this little mat is amazing. It’s like having your own personal masseuse and it’s the ultimate self-care tool. Sure, it’s a little spiky and uncomfortable at first, but it soon becomes warm and sooooo deeply relaxing.

The underlying health principals of a bed of nails originate in ancient Eastern medicine. This ancient Ayurvedic tool stimulates thousands of acupressure points across the body and was once used by gurus and yogis to restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit.

Modern-day acupressure mats feature massage discs which contour to the shape of your body. On these massage discs are thousands of sharp spikes which apply pressure to the skin and muscles, stimulating the nervous system, natural blood flow and triggering pressure points that assist your body’s healthy functioning.

I first tried an acupressure mat at The Yoga Show about 10 years ago and, for me, it was an instant hit! I snapped one up soon after and it’s become a beautiful addition to my own yoga practice. I often lie on the mat for savasana; it induces such a deep state of relaxation.

But you certainly don’t have to practice yoga to benefit from using an acupressure mat. I lie on my acupressure mat for 20 minutes before bed each night, as part of my night-time sleep routine, and it has really helped me to fall asleep quickly and to sleep really deeply too. Sometimes I practice coherent breathing whilst I lie there and sometimes I listen to an audiobook. Either way, it’s a super relaxing experience and it sets me right up for a good night’s sleep.

As an added bonus, it’s ultra light and portable so I’ll often take it with me when I’m travelling too.

acupressure mat
acupressure mat

For best results it is recommended that the acupressure mat is used for 20 minutes daily, and it is claimed that this may help to:

  • reduce stress and anxiety, soothe the mind and boost your mood (by promoting the release of endorphins and oxytocin – your body’s natural ‘happy hormones’)
  • relieve insomnia and encourage deep sleep
  • support healthy blood circulation and oxygenate the body
  • relieve aches and pains
  • relax muscles and release muscle tension and stiffness
  • relieve headaches, and back or neck pain
  • rejuvenate tired, achy feet
  • relieve constipation
  • improve skin complexion
  • reduce cellulite
  • boost energy levels and relieve feelings of fatigue (Top tip: Stand on your mat for 2-3 minutes in the morning to wake up the body and revive tired feet.)






So, the benefits sound amazing and you want to give it a try… but you still just can’t get over the thought that it’s going to be painful, right? Let’s talk about that again. I’ll be honest – acupressure is a powerful treatment and you may initially feel some discomfort, particularly in areas of the body where tension is high. But within minutes any unpleasant sensations will transform into tingling, pulsating, and deep warmth as the body adjusts and relaxes, leaving you with an overall sense of calm and restoration. With regular use, you probably won’t feel any discomfort at all as the tension in your body eases in the areas where the mat is applied. If you do find it too intense with bare skin though, you can start by wearing a thin T-shirt or placing a pillowcase over the mat. Using the mat whilst lying on your bed, rather than the floor, can reduce the intensity too. Seriously, give it a chance peeps – you’ll be so glad you did.

Reap the Benefits of an Acupressure Mat for Yourself…

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