Voice Analysis & Vibrational Retraining
Your voice is unique to you and is the most powerful method of expression that you have. When you feel pain, go through trauma or get stressed, your voice reflects your physical and emotional state. You will no doubt have noticed the change in your voice when you’re feeling sad and low compared to when you’re feeling happy and upbeat, and you have likely commented to people you know well that they don’t sound like their usual selves.
By recording your voice and using voice analysis software, I can identify specific frequencies that may be missing or low in your voice as a result of dis-ease in either the body or the mind. These imbalances can then be corrected by providing the frequencies you need to target your specific health problems and restore your harmony and well-being.
A unidirectional microphone is used to record your voice. Your voice recording is then analysed using sophisticated computer software, called BioTuning and AstroSound.
The frequencies emitted by your voice can be used to pinpoint physical, emotional and mental imbalances, find their root causes and activate the processes of self-healing.
Experience your bespoke frequencies on the Vibroacoustic Chair…
I will send these carefully selected frequencies to you in a high quality .wav audio file format that you can download to your smartphone, laptop or PC and listen to through good quality headphones. (My choice is the beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO Studio Headphones.) Alternatively, you may purchase a Tone Box from me (at a cost of £65). This is a small portable device which has been specifically designed for this therapy and can be programmed with your frequencies.
The frequencies bypass the conscious mind and act directly to bring your ‘sound blueprint’ back to its equilibrium. The effects of the frequencies are generally seen from the third week, and after four or five weeks listening to your frequencies may seem ‘boring’ – an indication that you’ve begun to produce the frequencies yourself. During this time, I will be in touch with you weekly to discuss how you are responding to the frequencies and make any adjustments, if necessary.

What health-related issues can Vibrational Retraining address?
Vibrational Retraining has been used to treat a vast number of disorders and imbalances with amazing results, including:
Musculoskeletal pain and inflammatory conditions: fibromyalgia, headaches / migraines, ankylosing spondylitis
Immune system and allergy disorders: bacterial infections, viral infections, allergies
Neurological conditions: Parkinson’s disease, stroke paralysis, dementia, multiple sclerosis
Gastrointestinal and digestive disorders: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), chronic constipation, vitamin and mineral malabsorption
Gynaecological conditions: infertility, hormone imbalance
Psychological issues: stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), phobias, emotional trauma, nervousness and lack of confidence, medical and recreational drug addiction
Paediatric disorders: ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), developmental delay, behavioural problems
Put on your headphones…
Perhaps you have already noticed the effects of such imbalances, such as fears and emotional blocks, a lack of motivation, disturbed sleep, lethargy, inhibitions and emotional instability.
Of course, life happens, and we are all out of balance in one way or another, but if we do not address the underlying causes of these imbalances they can, over time, manifest as physical pain, illness and disease.
You’ll free yourself of everything that is holding you back, using up all of your energy and hindering your well-being. You’ll feel confident and able to express your true potential and live the life you deserve with joy, without relying so heavily on the opinions of others. You’ll rediscover your motivation, drive and determination to achieve your goals. You’ll overcome emotional blockages that have conditioned you throughout your life, express yourself more easily and be more open in your relationships with others. You’ll discover a serene state of being, learn to control your stress and improve the quality of your sleep. You’ll feel energised, inspired and able to tap into your innate inner gifts.
How different could your life be in just 4 weeks?
Experience a transformative & personalized treatment package for £297
Get in Touch
When you first contact me, I will send you a questionnaire to complete with details of your physical, mental and emotional health. We will then arrange a time to chat online via Skype to discuss the information you provided in the questionnaire, explain the process in more detail, and answer any questions you may have.
Voice Analysis
We will then meet in-person (at my home in Cliffsend, Kent) so that I can record your voice.
Based on the information you provided in the questionnaire, your astrological ‘sound blueprint’ and my analysis of your voice recording, I will compile a provisional list of frequencies which may be beneficial for you.
Frequency Testing
Shortly afterwards, we will meet again so that you can experience those frequencies on the Vibroacoustic Chair.
Your reactions to the frequencies will allow me to arrive at my final choice of between 6 and 12 frequencies that will be most beneficial for you.
Vibrational Retraining
You will need to listen to these carefully selected frequencies for 1 to 2 hours every day, for 4 or 5 weeks. During this time, I will be in touch with you weekly to monitor your progress.
Following this, you will have the option to either end the therapy or to record your voice again, repeat the process and go even deeper.
Disclaimer: Sound Therapy supports the body’s natural ability to heal and is widely recognized as a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care. Voice Analysis and Vibrational Retraining are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is always advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional in the first instance.