Why you need a Jade Roller and how to use one

Dec 5, 2020 | Natural Beauty

Chances are you’ve seen jade rollers EVERYWHERE. They’ve been adorning every beauty blogger’s Instagram feed for a few years now, and yet still I was slow to jump on board. Why? I have no excuses. The jade roller is a cheap little tool which will last a lifetime. It adds only about 1 minute to your skincare routine and the benefits make it a no-brainer. I suppose I always assumed it was too simple to be effective, but now I’m hooked and I believe EVERYONE should own a jade roller.

So, what is a Jade Roller?

Jade rollers are hand-held facial massaging tools. Inspired by traditional Chinese medicine, they have been used since ancient times to boost circulation, increase lymphatic drainage, reduce wrinkles, relax the facial muscles, and improve skin elasticity.

The Benefits:

  • increases circulation to the skin, boosting the flow of oxygen and nutrients to its surface
  • promotes lymphatic drainage and boosts the skin’s natural detoxification process
  • relaxes facial muscles, relieving tension and smoothing out the skin
  • improves absorption of skincare products
  • stimulates anti-inflammatory properties in the skin
  • improves the tone of facial muscles and has a gentle lifting effect
  • gets the complexion glowing radiantly
  • relieves stress
  • soothes inflammation and reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes
  • tightens the skin and reduces fine lines
  • minimizes pores and lessens congestion and breakouts

How I use my Jade Roller

It couldn’t have been easier to add the jade roller into my skincare routine. I use it every morning and evening after applying my facial oil (scroll down for my favourites).

I store the jade roller in my beauty fridge overnight for a refreshing and de-puffing treat in the morning. The cool stones really help to reduce dark under-eye circles too and leave me feeling soothed and much more awake. At night I heat the stones in some warm water though. That helps my facial oil to m-e-l-t into my skin and penetrate more deeply. Try it – it will leave your skin glowing!

I spend about one minute rolling the jade roller all over my face and neck. It really feels as though I am ironing out the wrinkles! I start by rolling up my neck to lift and tighten the skin there. Then, applying a gentle pressure through the jade roller, I roll in upward and outward motions all over my face, working up my face from the chin. Gentle is the key here. It should never be painful or uncomfortable at all. Starting at the chin, I work out along the jawline. Then from the nose, I roll out towards my ears. Applying very light pressure, I roll just below the brow bone, out towards the temples. Then I roll just above the eyebrows, rolling downwards towards the outer corner of my eyes. Then I place the jade roller between my eyebrows and roll upwards towards my hairline, gradually moving out across my forehead. I finish up the work on my face by rolling across my forehead, working outwards from the centre. Finally – and this is the most important step of all – I make sure to work on the sides of my neck, to boost lymphatic drainage and move any fluid retention downwards towards to the collarbone region where it can enter the circulatory system and get filtered by the kidneys. I simply roll up and down either side of my neck a few times, starting at the side of my jaw and ending at my collarbone.

Shop my Favourites and Get Rolling!

This is my facial roller of choice. I know it’s rose quartz and not jade but the results are the same and… well… it’s pink! I chose this one in particular because it is made from 100% authentic rose quartz, it is squeak-free and rolls smoothly, and it has fantastic reviews. Plus, the packaging is lovely, making it a great gift too.

This 100% natural face oil contains anti-oxidant and omega-rich Broccoli, Flax Seed and Daikon Radish to nourish and hydrate the skin. It’s non-greasy and easily absorbed and promotes a natural glowing complexion.

This rich 100% natural oil is packed full of hydrating and anti-ageing ingredients which work to eliminate toxins and speed up cell renewal. Rich in omega 6, vitamin E and essential oils including lavender, neroli, carrot and white sandalwood, the formula works to detox the skin and increase collagen production to give skin its ‘bounce’ back and reduce wrinkles in the bargain.

Rosehip Seed Oil is rich in linoleic acid, linolenic acid, pro-vitamin A and anti-oxidants. It has been shown to reduce signs of photo-aging and delivers an array of anti-ageing benefits. The hydrating oil promotes skin regeneration and helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots.

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