For Optimum Health
The best biohacking tools to improve your quality of life and optimize your health and performance. Take a step closer to living your best life.
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Q-Link® SRT-3 Pendant
I received my Q-Link® Pendant as a gift more than 20 years ago and I’ve worn it daily since. It’s such an easy addition to your daily routine but really packs a punch when it comes to benefits.
At the heart of the Q-Link® pendant is a proprietary crystalline core called Sympathetic Resonance Technology™ (SRT™). This core reinforces the body’s resonance, returning it to a clearer and more balanced natural state. The resulting resonant effect is similar to the healthy, energizing experiences we have in nature, in positive interactions with others, and while participating in self-balancing, restorative activities. Benefits include:
- A boost in mental and physical resilience, well-being and energy levels
- Increased concentration and focus
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- General feelings of calm and balance
- Protection against electromagnetic radiation in the environment which may interfere with your body’s natural resonance
SRT™ has demonstrated its effectiveness in a wide range of experiments and research, including trials at U.C. Irvine, University of Vienna, and Imperial College London, all of which demonstrated significant effects on living systems.
Portable InfraRed Sauna
The Thera360 PLUS Personal Infrared Sauna generates healing full-spectrum infrared and red light frequencies, from 600nm to 980nm. The heating panels are created with Tourmaline gemstones to generate an abundance of negative ions, and harmful EMF’s, ELF’s, and RF’s are shielded. Advanced Earthing Technology (AET) further enhances the healing experience by capturing the charge of the Earth to help balance the delicate polarity of the body and improve cellular communication.
Benefits include enhanced mitochondrial health and cellular energy, improved micro-circulation and blood oxygenation, enhanced production of Nitric Oxide, reduced inflammation and pain relief, enhanced immune function, better sleep, anti-ageing benefits such as collagen production and cellulite reduction, and the best natural detoxification possible.
RedRush 840 PULSE
This is the ultimate full body Red Light Therapy device featuring both scientifically proven bio available light wavelengths: 660nm RED light for skin rejuvenation and surface smoothing, and 850nm NEAR-INFRARED light for tissues, joints, and muscles.
Benefits include:
*Scientifically proven anti-aging benefits and improved skin health. Reduce wrinkles, colour patches, hyperpigmentation, and skin discoloration. Research has shown it can enhance the production of collagen for skin rejuvenation.
*Increase energy, reduce inflammation, regulate hormones, and boost immunity.
*Enhance athletic performance, boost recovery, and promote faster wound healing. According to research, the utilization of red and NIR light therapy has significant benefits such as reducing muscle fatigue, improving muscle strength and endurance, facilitating fat loss and muscle growth responses resulting from exercise, as well as accelerating the recovery process.
Want to learn more about about red light therapy? This video is a great place to start.